Monday, March 30, 2009

The HUGE sucker

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Matt's gross finger...yuck

I don't know if you can see it. But he smashed his finger in the log splitter. He got a huge blood blister. Oh and it was already infected from a hangnail. Yes, he has issues.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I got the opportunity to go to a temple that I hadn't been to. The Billings, Montana temple.
Small, simple, and beautiful. I went as a YW leader (i know shush). I was asked to help in the font. I was more than willing. They grabbed me before the baptisms started and asked if I wanted to do initatories. I haven't done that since I did my own. I think it is by far my favorite. The promises made were awesome. I was given a couple names. I was very anxious to get the last name on my list done. I was overwhelmed with the feeling this person had been waiting a long time. And when I got done it was a huge relief. What a great experience.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

taco night

We have started a new tradition in our family, on accident. We have taco night. Ususally on Monday. It's easy and Jack enjoys it. I have found some yummy taco seasoning, from walmart (Fiesta Brand. extra fancy taco seasoning). It's perfect. We love it.

Monday, March 23, 2009


We have over a foot of snow in our front yard. Yesterday it was 70 degrees. People were out fishing, down by the river. The sun was shining not a cloud in the sky. We wake up this morning, it was raining and blowing. Than the snow started. School was let out early. They didn't know if the buses would make up to our neighborhood. They did and Jack made it home. Matt came home a little early. He made it all the way home and got stuck in the driveway. We are supposed to have 6-12 more inches by morning. Isn't this the 3rd day of spring?.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Seriously this kid never stops...

This morning while eating breakfast, Jack says to me "Do you know Mrs___?" I said "No, why?" Jack says...wait for it...wait for it..."You know how you have to go to the dr's every year. I think she went to. Because she had to leave yesterday during school."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh!! Jack strikes again

Usually I don't get ready for the day until Jack leaves for school. This morning I was ready before he got up, because I have a the dreaded Dr's appointment. Of course Jack notices that I'm not in my PJ's and my hair is actually combed this morning. So he asks where I'm going. I tell him I have to go to the Dr's. He gets concerned when I go to the Dr's, because he only goes when he is sick or has to have shots. He asks what is wrong. I tell him nothing is wrong, it is just something girls have to do once a year. He looked at me really weird and said "So there is going to be lots of girls at the Dr's today?" .............. I pictured the DMV in Salt Lake City where you have to wait three hours before you can talk to anyone. Could you imagine, all these woman waiting to see the Dr.. Talk about hormones.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Caution: this is inappropriate

Jack and I had the munchies. He brought out the bag of cheese puffs. I know, so good for me. Jack always asks before he eats something if it is good for him. So I told him that cheese puffs will make you fat. I told him I could feel my butt getting bigger as we ate them. Then he said (caution)..."Than you go poop and it comes out and you are skinny again. Just eat and poop, eat and poop." I've created a monster.

His first library card. He is so excited. When the librarian told him that he could have his own he was so shocked. Don't you just love him? I do.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Calling

Some of you may know. And some of you may not. Matt got a new calling 1st counselor in the Elders quorum. He acts like he isn't excited. But I know different. Matt doesn't know what to do with himself if he isn't helping someone out. And he loves to do it. He doesn't complain about helping someone out. In fact I think he seeks out oppurtunity's to help people. He has a big heart. Just a little stubborn sometimes. So secretly he is excited.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I know this is wordless wednesday, but I need help. Ha ha I know what you are thinking (she has always needed help). But I need to decide on my kitchen how to decorate. I chose mute colors for cupboards and counters, so I could be fun in the rest of the kitchen. These are the things I think would be fun to incorporate in my kitchen; Dr. Pepper, Chickens(cause we're getting some), Roosters, and maybe peppers (for Matt). This is a lot and I would love suggestions. Of course I don't have to have all these things. These are just things I was thinking of that would fit our family. So bring on the ideas. Kiora I know you have more than one. If you will notice in the pictures I don't have a backsplash. We had to take this down when we put in the counters. It was jsut white tile. The valance hanging in the window incorporates the colors in my house. So I would like everything to flow together. If you have ideas for paint color. Anything. Oh and I might have access to tin panels that were used on a ceiling in an old building. If you look up tin backsplashes you will see what I mean. So bring it on girls.

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Nice Weather FUN

Today was so nice!!! We went to the town park. Some of our friends met us there. After playing on the equipment, the kids decided to play on the baseball fields. It was so nice to get outside and run around.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Poor Lady

So things have been a little tight, I thought I was saving money by grooming Lady myself. She loves being outside and is always dirty and matted. So she has to be groomed a least once a month, or it gets really bad.