Saturday, March 28, 2009

I got the opportunity to go to a temple that I hadn't been to. The Billings, Montana temple.
Small, simple, and beautiful. I went as a YW leader (i know shush). I was asked to help in the font. I was more than willing. They grabbed me before the baptisms started and asked if I wanted to do initatories. I haven't done that since I did my own. I think it is by far my favorite. The promises made were awesome. I was given a couple names. I was very anxious to get the last name on my list done. I was overwhelmed with the feeling this person had been waiting a long time. And when I got done it was a huge relief. What a great experience.


Hyrum and Kristi Partridge said...

How awsome i cant wait until i can go again!!!

Beth said...

Doug and I have been through one session at the Billings temple, when he use to go up there for auctions. Small and wonderful. Glad you made 3am.

Jenny said...

I love initiatories! They were one of the only ways I could get the the temple when my kids were little and I was nursing or preggo and couldn't be in there for long periods of time. I love those blessings promised!