Thursday, June 25, 2009


I haven't been blogging a lot, because I've recenly been diagnosed with bi-polar. So I've been so busy with trying to find the right Dr's and medications. You can follow my crazy experiance under my favorite blogs - Bi-polar. My sis-in-law also contributes to this blog. She is the one I've been staying with and knows all about this crazy stuff I have to call my life. She always keeps me laughing and gives me support. So if your are interested you can follow. And leave comments and support.


Jenny said...

Wow! I have a least 3 members of my dad's side that suffer from this. It has been incredibly hard for them but with positive persistance (sp?) they are doing well. I empathize with you and hope that you will find answers! I have suffered a great deal of anxiety and at times it is almost overwhelming! Hang in there woman!

Connie Mitchell said...

Listen, if ANYONE can get the best of this you can!! You are one strong gal. Just remember...If you could endure and Live through
the taseing(sp?) you can come out on top of ANYTHING!!! My money is on you, Babe. You can do it!! We are here for you...
With Love always......