Sunday, March 29, 2009

Matt's gross finger...yuck

I don't know if you can see it. But he smashed his finger in the log splitter. He got a huge blood blister. Oh and it was already infected from a hangnail. Yes, he has issues.


Jess said...

owie! poor Matt! I am typing this one handed cuz I just pounded my thumb with a mallet. I feel for him. hope he doesn't lose his nail!

Beth said...

The issues started before he turned 2. He picked up a fireplace tong on the tong end and the very heavy handle smashed his ring fingernail. Still makes my stomach hurt to see the damage.

Connie Mitchell said...

Your column just gets better.
Love it!!! So happy you have this
as I'm sure it is an inspiration to so many.
Love you,

Jenny said...

His issue: he's a boy.