Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday! My husband is so good to me.
On his birthday which was COLD!! He
tore out our kitchen cabinets to make
room for the new ones.

Dog or dustmop!

Moving again???

Before pictures. From this picture you can't
see the warped drawers or the mice poo that
I had to vaccum and wipe out before putting
ANYTHING in the kitchen. When we got the
cabinets out we found a mouse nest and a lot
of droppings. Oh and a mouse skeleton stuck
to the floor!!! We also found the previous
owners stash of Brandy and Peach Schnapps.
We found bottles under the cabinets.
During the tear down. I will take pictures
when it is all done. I'm so excited!!
Thanks honey, I love you.


Jess said...

Happy Birthday Matt! Hope you had a good one. I can't wait to see the new cabinets.

Connie Mitchell said...

Your new cabinets are beautiful!!
What a snazzy kitchen you will have when you're done. Why you'll just never want to leave it...just cook, cook, cook!! Matt and Jack
will love it!!!
Love it...most important room in the house...
Enjoy....Connie and Erd