Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jack lost his first tooth. He is so excited!!! Congrads Jack.


smileymom24 said...

Congratulations!!! Love the toothless grin.

Kiora said...

I can't wait to see you. What did the toothfairy bring?

Christy said...

Hey Jack-Congrats! I opened up your mom's page expecting to see a picture of the hot tub contest and your mom talking on the radio all weekend but this is more important right now!! (she does have a great radio voice though-and she was funny-AND SHE PLAYED MY FAVORITE SONG!) Thanks Tanya!! :)

Unknown said...

wow! he's really growing up! Anna has a loose tooth on the bottom. I think she's nervous to have it pulled out.

Jeremy and Molly Horn said...

I cant believe how old he looks. We sure do miss you guys.

Becky said...

Congrats! Kaylee keeps asking me when she will ever have a loose tooth. I love the smile!