Sunday, May 25, 2008


Friday, May 23, 2008

Matt's bump

Jack and I love Matt. He provides us entertainment. Today
he got home from a long day at work and ran into the
corner of the wall....OUCH!!!!
Of course we laughed really hard and than asked if he
was ok. He acted like it wasn't a big deal. Than about 2 minutes
later he has a huge bump with a gash.

Tornado Season

Yesterday there were over 9 tornados reported
in Kansas. This is a picture of the Hoxie tornado.
Hoxie is about 40 miles east of us.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I know some Mom's are not looking forward to summer. But I am. Jack and I go to the pool at least three times a week. And Jack plays outside all day and falls asleep early. But he has so much fun. Our little town has "picnic in the park" once a week during the summer, with local bands playing bluegrass. Than of course you have the county fairs and rodeos. And Jack plays t-ball, next year he'll be in rookies. I know some of you city folk are thinking I've been in Kansas to long. But it really is a lot of fun. Plus I love being outside.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Baby

My sis in law finally gave birth to a boy today. She has had a lot of trouble this pregnancy. I'm so happy everything turned out good. Congrads Molly and Family. It's so exciting to have another little spirit here on earth.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A day at the Park

The whole Kindergarten class!!

Watermelon eating contest. YUMMMMMY!

The trouble makers.

All the boys

Friday was the day at the park for the three kindergarten classes.
They had a lot of fun. And I know now beyond a showdow of a doubt
it takes a special person to be a teacher.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jacks 1st black eye

Jack and his friend were playing.....and Jack got a
swing in the eye. It doesn't look to bad. But I'm betting
tommorow will be worse.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day...My husband was very thoughtful this year. He bought some flowers and a spa day at my favorite salon. I'm so excited. And Jack made me a cute present, at school. He made a wooden spoon into a likeness of me. He even used two different colors of yarn to show the highlights in my hair. And than he bought me a cute bracelet, at the school store. With the fake money he earned, for good deeds done at school. I hope he stays this thoughtful. He's a good boy. Today in Relief Society we talked about staying close to the Lord, so when can recieve revelation for our family. How important that has become since Jack has started school. And I can't imagine how valuable it becomes when he is a teenager.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Is this what they teach in Boy Scouts? Yes that is
a gas can in his hand. Is was so windy that we
couldn't get a fire started anyway. Yes Kiora it was
windy. I think they said 50 mph winds today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Is it summer?

Today it hit 80 degrees. Jack and his friend ran through the sprinkler. They giggled like little girls. It was really entertaining. Now he currently is starving. I think he is growing. And there is only 2 weeks left of school. I'm kind of excited for the pool season. Just not the swimsuit season, unfortunatly they go hand in hand. So I guess I will have to start running again. I haven't worked out in a little while. So i'll be sucking air for a couple of months. I hope my heart and lungs can take it. Wish me luck.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Last night we went to a Hal Ketchum concert. It was a lot of fun.
I enjoyed the new and old songs. Of course the only Jess is going to
know who he is. So Jess it was lots of fun.