Saturday, April 26, 2008

No Utah Visit

I'm so sad I didn't make it to Utah. With gas prices going up .25 I just couldn't pay for gas. So hopefully Matt and I can budget to come in August. I don't want to promise anything. But I hope to make it than. Even if it is for the weekend. I just can't imagine paying $400 for gas. Maybe I can look for plane tickets and it will be cheaper to fly. I apologize again. And I hope the picnic goes well today. We are in Colorado with family and enjoying our stay. Jack is really sad that we didn't get to go. So we are doing lots of fun things. We have gone to the zoo and to Mr. Biggs (indoor amusement park). So I have kept him distracted. And we have had fun.


Jess said...

hey! We're all getting rebate checks from the government. maybe you can save some from that to make a visit. we would love to see you, but understand completely why. Thanks for the update! Hug Jack for me.

Becky said...

We were really looking forward to seeing you today...but I TOTALLY understand too high of gas prices. Nothing to exciting at the picnic. As soon as I get around to it I'll post some pics on my blog.

It looks like you're having fun in Denver. Enjoy!