Sunday, April 6, 2008

I got a speeding ticket

Do you know how long it's been since I've had a speeding ticket?. I thought about it. It has been since before I had Jack. So at least six years. On my way home from Denver I was inbetween Stratton and Burlington CO. And I so got busted. I was going 86 in a 75. I just wanted to be home so I bumped it up a notch from 80 and five minutes later I see sirens in the rear view. I hate getting tickets!!!! Maybe if I didn't speed I wouldn't get one. I guess theis one makes up for all the times I should have got one. My sis-in-law asked me the other day what is the fastest you have ever gone. And it was 140 on the back of a motorcycle. I'm glad my Mom doesn't read this....


Unknown said...

That sucks! I bet you stop speeding, at least in that area anyway. I got my first ever ticket this summer. Going 57 in a 45 zone. It does turn into 55 a ways up the road, but the cop didn't care. Then Chris got one like a week later. Our insurance went up like $20 a month. SUCKS! I'm really careful about speeding now.

Jess (this will show up as chris because I'm using his computer.)