Monday, February 25, 2008

In our little branch of the church we get a great opportunity to feed the missionary's a lot. And we just had one leave to go home. He is from the Marshall Islands. Jack is so sad to see him go. He has a great spirit and is so excited about the gospel. His family are converts to the church. When he first arrived, he was asked to stand up and tell where he is from and to tell a little about himself. So he related this story : "When I first came on my mission, I was at a grocery store. And there was an older lady trying to load a heavy bag of dog food onto her cart. I asked if I could help her and she stood up and slapped me across the face. I was really mad and offended so I tried to think of what Jesus would do. He would turn the other cheek. So I slapped her back." (everyone in the congregation gasped, and than laughed). He said "No I'm just kidding." He was always making people laugh and feel at ease in his presence. A true servant of God. We loved him and will miss him.